We believe it is essential to address multiple issues, to consider holistically the complexity of situations and interactions within our society. We are committed to joining our global and sustainable vision, considering social, environmental and ethical concerns.

We take very seriously the privilege of being invited to the heart of our clients' priority issues, sometimes in times of uncertainty and vulnerability. Our mission is to shed light on what is often difficult, complex and sensitive and to identify relevant talents, tools and networks based on issues and projects.


Our approach is naturally in line with respect for the individual. This means respecting one's person, his word and his social situation. We are committed to paying particular attention to respect for the identity of each individual and to rejecting any act of discrimination.

This respect is also expressed through benevolence and listening, which are the foundations of all our interventions.

Getting involved

We want to encourage the establishment of an emulation in the structures we accompany and allow an ever-renewed look at the activities. We believe that our ability to evolve and innovate is an indispensable lever to respond to the complexity, the diversity of our organizations, constantly changing but also to the aspirations and challenges of employees. Creativity and innovation require a willingness to question, to be critical and to be mobilized to invent, adapt and implement effective solutions.

We believe that there is no full adherence to a change process if it does not incorporate a part of co-construction that allows everyone to take ownership of the issues and allows them to feel part of their realisation. Everyone will be able to take their full place and bring their qualities and skills regardless of their missions and/or position. Dynamics and involvement are a necessary prerequisite for any common work.

Innovating and being creative

We want to encourage the establishment of an emulation in the structures we accompany and allow an ever-renewed look at the activities. We believe that our ability to evolve and innovate is an indispensable lever to respond to the complexity, the diversity of our organizations, constantly changing but also to the aspirations and challenges of employees. Creativity and innovation require a willingness to question, to be critical and to be mobilized to invent, adapt and implement effective solutions.